Step into a world of timelessness and nostalgia with vintage china necklaces.

Reminding you to delight in the essence and aesthetic of your personal adornments.

Adding a touch of history and poetry to everyday life.

Available Necklaces

SHOP UPDATE MAY 8TH 6:30pm EST. Adorn yourself with the timeless elegance... 

Meet the Artist

Hello, my name is Mikayla, the artist, owner, and creator of Crystal Frequency. I started Crystal Frequency in 2018 when I was invested in living a “good life”.

I have a passion for making life beautiful and poetic. To feel the depth of life on a deep emotional level. Through my art, I feel a deeper connection to being alive. I love romanticizing my experience of being human with what I wear and adorn myself with.

I hope that I can do the same for you with the pieces I create. To make life a little sweeter, a little more enjoyable, and a little more poetic. Thank you for coming along this journey with me and being a part of it with me.